Thursday, 11 April 2013


Did you hear the single cicada's solemn screech,
She, gently exploring the earth, then
Gingerly leaping ahead?

Or did you hear the far-off scything
Of the grass, and sense the tiredness
In a wearied woman's hours of toil?

Did the sound of myriad little birds
Impinge your consciousness and by
Their different songs bring joy untold?

And did you feel the anger just beneath
The roadside peddler of his tourist crafts
When you perhaps, and I, declined to buy?

And did you know that this was Holy Week,
The week a peasant carpenter was stretched
To die, a simple irritant upon imperial power?

Dance to Malawi's ghetto sound, if dance you can,
Rage at injustice, however rage you may,
And dream of hope, if dreams can speak -

Then turn your words to work.

Chilema, Malosa,
Easter 2013

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